TAR NC (Regulation EC n. 460/2017) | Description |
30.1.(a).(i) | Technical capacity at entry and exit points and associated assumptions |
30.1.(a).(ii) | Forecasted contracted capacity at entry and exit points and associated assumptions |
30.1.(a).(iii) | Quantity and direction of the gas flow for entry and exit points and associated assumptions |
30.1.(a).(iv) | Structural representation of the transmission network |
30.1.(a).(v) | Additional technical information about the transmission network |
30.1.(b). (i) | Allowed revenue of the transmission system operator |
30.1.(b). (ii) | Information related to changes in revenue |
30.1.(b). (iii).(1) | Types of assets included in the regulated asset base and their aggregated value |
30.1.(b). (iii).(2) | Cost of capital and its calculation methodology |
30.1.(b).(iii).(3) | Capital expenditure information |
30.1.(b).(iii).(4) | Operational expenditures |
30.1.(b).(iii).(5) | Incentive mechanisms and efficiency targets |
30.1.(b).(iii).(6) | Inflation indices |
30.1.(b).(iv) | The transmission services revenue |
30.1.(b).(v) | Information on the ratios for the revenue referred to in point (iv) above |
30.1.(b).(vi).(1)&(2) | Actually obtained revenue and reconciliation mechanism |
30.1.(b).(vii) | The intended use of the auction premium |
30.1.(c) | Information on transmission and non-transmission services |
30.2.(a).(i) | Difference in the level of transmission tariffs for the same type of transmission service applicable for the prevailing tariff period and for the tariff period for which the information is published |
30.2.(a).(ii) | Estimated difference in the level of transmission tariffs for the same type of transmission service applicable for the tariff period for which the information is published and for each tariff period within the remainder of the regulatory period |
30.2.(b) | A simplified model enabling network users to calculate transmission tariffs applicable for the prevailing tariff period and to estimate their possible evolution beyond such tariff period |